Poster Design, layout, packaging, print and motion advertisement. A campaign for a clothing swap event in order to inform attendees of the benefits of re-using clothing.
Final poster design. The poster consists of two hand exchanging a pair of pants, showing the idea of swapping, along with all information regarding details of the event. I chose to go with a "marker illustration" style to keep the poster consistent with the concept of the vintage paper doll booklet.
Poster mocked-up as a small flyer.
I wanted to create something that attendees could take home from the event, that remained consistent with the idea of swapping clothing. Due to it being paper, it also reflects the environmental conscious idea, that this event intends of promoting. I took inspiration from paper doll book of the 1960s to create the overall look of the booklet. Below is the front and back covers.
The next page consists of the female doll's clothes as well as information regarding textile waste.
The following page is the male's clothing pieces and more information.
The last pages consist of information regarding the benefits of a clothing swap and a thank you note, with the logo.
Mockup of the booklet. Back and front covers.
My third piece for the campaign consists of a Instagram story motion piece. This piece takes assets from both the poster and the doll booklet. This also shows the doll's garments being swapped on the dolls.
Click below for Instagram story motion piece.